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Frequently Asked Questions

Some additional information you may need

School Hours

Students may arrive at school from 8:30am. Students should not arrive prior to 8:30 as they can not be adequately supervised. 


08:45am - Morning block

10:35am - Recess

11:00am - Middle block

01:00pm - Lunch

01:35pm - Afternoon block

02:55pm - End of School

Term Dates

Term 1: 21 January 2022-08 April 2022

Term 2: 26 April 2022-01 July 2022

Term 3: 18 July 2022-23 September 2022

Term 4: 10 October 2022-15 December 2022


If your child is or will be absent from school, please contact us via phone or via the Absentees tab above. Please do not send unwell children to school. 

School Uniforms

School uniforms are compulsory. Second-hand uniforms are sometimes available and can be organised by contacting the school. You can find uniform order forms here.

School Buses

There are four school buses that children can ride to school if they live outside of town. Please contact us for more details.

Lunch Orders

Are available on Mondays. Please see the Canteen tab above for more information and order forms.

Voluntary Contributions

Voluntary Contributions are collected to enrich the opportunities available to your child. We urge parents to consider the needs of the school and their children and to forward their contribution as early in the new year as possible.  Payment can be made in person or sent to school. 

Preferred method is by EFT:

Goomalling PS Funds Ac, BSB: 633000, Account No: 112628334.

Kindergarten $50 per child,

PP – Year 6 students: $60 per child


The purpose of homework is to consolidate the learning that is happening in the classroom, practise skills that need a high degree of repetition or to remediate areas of difficulty. There is no benefit to providing homework for the sake of homework.

Children from pre-primary upwards have home reading each night. In addition they may have activities to practise skills such as spelling and times tables. Individual students may have homework to consolidate the content linked to IEPs.

Parents seeking consolidation and extra practise of skills should visit the Learning From Home tab of this website for links and ideas. 

Homework should not take any more than 10 minutes per night.


We encourage parents to voice concerns or queries early in order to find solutions before problems grow. Parents should first address concerns with the classroom teacher. Please phone the office to make appointments.


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